c\ Pelfort, 20 casa 3
08017 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 934 069 677
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Loft Sucre
  -    -  Loft Sucre

Loft Sucre

Project carried out for EXTRA HOUSES THE WEEKLY COUNTRY. This loft demanded to bring home the sea breeze, and it did. Located near the beach in Barcelona, in an industrial building that functioned as a distillery of 1916, with 170m2 and 6m high this loft has become a minimalist environment, where the details are key pieces.

In a meticulous way, a large space has been achieved with sensual and bohemian air. Here it joins functionality, vintage spirit and a taste for art. And as it could not be otherwise the loft finds harmony in the colors of the sea: the palette of colors that stains each of the elements of the loft goes from sky blue to deep blue of the night between the waves, the infinite black , grey, white and silver light.

The selection of textiles ranging from muslin to velvet, and wool and silk carpets bring the ideal warmth to a space where such avant-garde materials such as glass and dark grey artificial turf carpets meet.