Barasona designs ramonsoler’s stand at Obra Blanca 2024

At the Obra Blanca 2024 fair, held in Mexico City, Barasona Diseño y Comunicación has had the honour of designing ramonsoler’s stand. Our goal was to create a space that not only reflected the brand’s DNA, but also offered visitors an immersive and memorable experience. One of the great attractions of the stand is the historic wall, a visual representation of Ramonsoler’s career. This element has captured the attention of visitors, telling the history of the firm through iconic images and products that show its evolution. The star products on display have been a real success, standing out for their excellence and functionality. The stand is designed to facilitate a smooth tour. The products are displayed on freestanding islands, allowing visitors to interact with the pieces and gather around them without the need to constantly look at the wall. This layout creates an open and accessible space, ideal for attendees to feel comfortable while exploring ramonsoler’s new products. In addition, the stand has a warehouse and a meeting area, elegantly integrated into the design. These additional spaces not only provide functionality, but also allow the stand to be kept tidy and well organized. The result is a stand that, with its diaphanous and sophisticated design, reflects the essence of Ramonsoler: innovation, quality and tradition. We are very proud of the final result, which not only highlights the most important novelties of the firm, but also provides a pleasant and accessible experience for all visitors. The success of this project confirms once again that good design can tell stories, connect with the public and create unforgettable experiences.