Ecus Europillow: the ideal hotel, the ideal mattress

Sleep quality is one of the main motivations that decisively influence the decision to choose a hotel. Sleeping on a good mattress is essential and ECUs,a leader in the hotel sector present in large chains, is responsible for providing the ideal mattress for the perfect dream.
Ecu manufactures furniture that perfectly equips the rooms of the most exclusive hotels. Each of your equipment is specially designed to perform an optimized function and performance, resulting in efficient, resolute and incredibly easy-to-use rest systems.
Today we value, above all, the recommendations when choosing a destination or a hotel. In fact, a 92 of customers prefer to be guided by a good recommendation, and a 60 of the customers are willing to share their experience and leave it embodied in forums and RRSS. For this reason, Ecu it is kept in continuous research to offer unique rest systems, at the level of the most demanding guests.
One of the most valued mattresses by users in the networks is the Europillow mattress from Ecus,both for the quality of rest it offers and for the comfort of easy maintenance, without the need to go any further.
The Europillow mattress features:
– Multispring baggy spring interior®
– Viscoelastic Foam
– Anti-bedbug and fireproof fabric
The inner core Multispring®,the most widespread and safe technology, is valid for everyone (perfect for sleeping alone and especially in pairs), its springs react independently to the pressure exerted on them, offering independence of beds to each of the users. In addition, it has various layers of comfort that ensure a smooth and adaptable reception. On the other hand, the anti-ched and fireproof fabric certifies a safe rest. Depending on the installation, it is possible to choose between Visco Gel or Visco Graphenefinishes.
The Europillow rest system is the best choice to meet the needs of our guests, Ecus thanks to its experience in Contract, accompaniesthe hotelier on the way to offer its users an experience Pleasant.
About Ecus , with a clear vocation to offer comprehensive rest solutions,Ecus is a Spanish company with 25 years of experience in the sector, which currently has an international presence on several continents.
Ecusis committed to a policy of minimizing the impact of its activities on the environment. The firm produces electricity using photovoltaic technology, thus reducing its carbon footprint.
Innovation is in the firm’s DNA. A pioneer in some of the most important technologies in the rest sector.