Bona Celebrates its 1st Certified Professionals Convention in Seville

Last February, the 1st Convention of Certified Professionals took place in Seville Bona, more than 50 professionals from Spain and Portugal attended the event that Bona organized at the TRH Alcora Hotel.
There are more than 70 professionals from the sector of different provinces of Spain and Portugal who Bona has certificates with his brand, not all were able to attend but if a great representation of them.
The objective of this convention explains Mr. Antonio Lopez Technical Director of Bona it was for all our certified professionals to meet and share knowledge of their experiences with Bona,as well as to strengthen bonds of friendship between them, which will help them in their daily activity Antonio Lopez continues to say we know that many of them help each other if they are needed, even if they are competition from each other, and that prouds us, because it shows that we all work in the same vein; quality and professionalism.
The event opened with a meal on February 2nd in the same hotel where they were staying, followed by a very intense day of work, where the different Labor systems Were applied:Gold, Silver and Bronze and some presentations were passed on products. Susana Ugena Marketing Director spoke about the different Marketing tools that Bona makes available to her Certified Professionals to help them grow their businesses.
At the end of the session everyone enjoyed a fabulous dinner at one of the most popular mesons in the area, and continued the night only the most withering between drinks and good music.
The next day was scheduled to do some sightseeing in the city of Seville and although the weather did not accompany all enjoyed a pleasant boat trip through the waters of the Guadalquivir, where they contemplated the wonders that a city like Seville offer to its visitors. And last but not to be otherwise the event concluded with a tasting of fried fish in a restaurant overlooking the river.
Bona has in project for this year to continue to certify Qualified Professionals through their workshops, to meet the demand that it has of its end users in areas of Spain and Portugal where they do not have or not have enough to cover the area.
If you are a wood professional and are interested in being a Bona Certified Professional, contact the brand and they will give you all the information you need.