BONA at the Urban Blue by Manuel Espejo Restaurant

When designing a restaurant one of the keys to obtaining a result of success is to take care of the most important elements of the space, such as the floor. When it comes to wooden floors, the luxury and warmth provided by this highly regarded material is truly spectacular.
Bona,world leader since 1919, highlights the natural beauty of wooden floors with a unique result in the Urban Blue Restaurant in Casa Decor, designed by the prestigious interior designer and decorator Manuel Espejo
The classic Urban Blue Restaurantcombines a distribution of furniture with a lot of character and makes glass, fabric and wood the star materials that merge into an intense blue atmosphere. Following the characteristic line of the interior designer, different areas combine creating a visual tour that surprises by its elegance and sophistication.
This space had countless elements of the original construction, such as the melis pine wood floors, a large wood that had to be restored by the best, which is why Bona was the ideal signature.
The nature of the wood stands out on the floor of the Urban Blue Restaurant thanks to Bona Traffic Natural,a superior protection varnish suitable for public areas where a high level of resistance is required due to its traffic intense and an all-natural wood look and feel.
Bona Traffic Natural makes wood floors perfectly protected with an untreated wood look, something that is increasingly demanded by decorators and interior designers. This was precisely one of the characteristics that Manuel Espejo liked most and fell in love to see the final result of the floor of his restaurant.
In addition, Bonahas Certified Professionals from all over the world, responsible for transforming wooden floors into authentic works of art. Like Maadera, one of the Bona Certified Professionals in charge of the restoration of Urban Blue Restaurant.
A Certified Bona professional has all the products and machinery necessary to treat, maintain or restore wooden floors in hotels and is trained to advise and provide the best existing solutions.
Entering the Urban Blue Restaurant in Casa Decor is surprised with elements of great visual strength, such as the wooden floor treated by Bona. The genius of the firm lies in getting a protected floor for high traffic by making it treated and protected without seeming it.