c\ Pelfort, 20 casa 3
08017 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 934 069 677
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  -  Bless you   -  Ramon Soler® ensures the safety and health of all its workers and employees

Ramon Soler

®performs medical testsof serology and PCR to his entire workforce, to safeguard a safe working environment

For Ramon Soler Industries®,tap manufacturers with 130 years of history, the most important thing is people, for this reason the company once again shows its commitment to society, and performs medical tests to all its employees and collaborators. This reinforces all the protocols that the firm has established following the start of the pandemic, to ensure a solid and secure area of work.

The company manages the risks and safety of each and every one of its employees and has offered this medical proof to all workers of the company, including LES staff and subcontractors, having a participation response of almost 97%.

At this time of health emergency, it is vital for the firm to commit to the safety and health of its own, so medical tests have been carried out last Thursday 03/09/2020. These medical tests included serology and PCR, making the information they’ve obtained more complete because they determine if you’ve passed the virus, whether you’ve generated antibodies, and whether you’re infected right now.

In addition, Ramon Soler Industries continues with the preventive measures put in place in March, maintaining the temporary modification of schedules and teleworking, with the aim of ensuring the protection of safe areas and facilitating family reconciliation.

With this gesture, Ramon Soler® highlights the important effort and investments to create and maintain a safe working environment for all its employees. Its continued commitment highlights the firm’s performance in improving risk and safety control and ensuring the well-being of all.

Always on the well-being of their employees, they place a great emphasis on safety, implementing occupational health and risk management programs and protocols.